[1] Understanding signal path loss
[2] Free space path loss
[3] Link budget
[2] Free space path loss
[3] Link budget
The free space path loss is used in
many areas for predicting radio signal strengths that may be expected in a
radio system. Although it does not hold for most terrestrial situations as
there are several situations in which it can be used and it is also useful as
the basis for understanding many real life radio propagation
Despite this, the free space path loss is an essential basic parameter for
many RF calculations. It can often be used as a first approximation for many
short range calculations. Alternatively it can be used as a first approximation
for a number of areas where there are few obstructions. As such it is a
valuable tool for many people dealing with radio communications systems.
In addition to this, these
calculations can be used in wireless survey tools. With the growing
requirements to be able to analyse wireless or radio coverage, wireless survey
tools are being sued increasingly to enable coverage to be predicted at the
early stages of design. Accordingly these wireless survey tools are being used
increasingly in the development and installation of radio and wireless systems.
space path loss basics
The free space path loss, also known
as FSPL is the loss in signal strength that
occurs when an electromagnetic wave travels over a line of sight path in free
space. In these circumstances there are no obstacles that might cause the
signal to be reflected refracted, or that might cause additional attenuation.
The free space path loss
calculations only look at the loss of the path itself and do not contain any
factors relating to the transmitter power, antenna gains or the receiver
sensitivity levels. These factors are normally address when calculating a link budget and these
will also be used within radio and wireless survey tools and software.
To understand the reasons for the
free space path loss, it is possible to imagine a signal spreading out from a
transmitter. It will move away from the source spreading out in the form of a
sphere. As it does so, the surface area of the sphere increases. As this will follow
the law of the conservation of energy, as the surface area of the sphere
increases, so the intensity of the signal must decrease.
As a result of this it is found that
the signal decreases in a way that is inversely proportional to the square of
the distance from the source of the radio signal.
space path loss formula
The free space path loss formula or
free space path loss equation is quite simple to use. Not only is the path loss
proportional to the square of the distance between the transmitter and
receiver, but the signal level is also proportional to the square of the
frequency in use for other reasons explained in a section below.
FSPL is the Free space path loss
d is the distance of the receiver from the transmitter (metres)
λ is the signal wavelength (metres)
f is the signal frequency (Hertz)
c is the speed of light in a vacuum (metres per second)
FSPL is the Free space path loss
d is the distance of the receiver from the transmitter (metres)
λ is the signal wavelength (metres)
f is the signal frequency (Hertz)
c is the speed of light in a vacuum (metres per second)
The speed of light is 2.99792458 x
108 metres per second, although for most practical purposes, this is
taken to be 3 x 108 metres per second.
The free space path loss formula is
applicable to situations where only the electromagnetic wave is present, i.e.
for far field
situations. It does not hold true for near field situations.
space loss formula frequency dependency
Although the free space loss
equation given above seems to indicate that the loss is frequency dependent.
The attenuation provided by the distance travelled in space is not dependent
upon the frequency. This is constant.
The reason for the frequency
dependence is that the equation contains two effects:
- The first results from the spreading out of the energy as the sphere over which the energy is spread increases in area. This is described by the inverse square law.
- The second effect results from the antenna aperture change. This affects the way in which any antenna can pick up signals and this term is frequency dependent.
As one constituent of the path loss
equation is frequency dependent, this means that there is a frequency
dependency within the complete equation.
version of free space path loss equation
Most RF comparisons and measurements
are performed in decibels. This gives an easy and consistent method to compare
the signal levels present at various points. Accordingly it is very convenient
to express the free space path loss formula, FSPL, in terms of decibels. It is
easy to take the basic free space path loss equation and manipulate into a form
that can be expressed in a logarithmic format.
(dB) = 20 log10 (d) + 20 log10 (f) + 32.44
d is the distance of the receiver from the transmitter (km)
f is the signal frequency (MHz)
d is the distance of the receiver from the transmitter (km)
f is the signal frequency (MHz)
of antenna gain on path loss equation
The equation above does not include
any component for antenna gains. It is assumed that the antenna gain is unity
for both the transmitter. In reality, though, all antennas will have a certain
amount of gain and this will affect the overall affect. Any antenna gain will
reduce the "loss" when compared to a unity gain system. The figures
for antenna gain are relative to an isotropic source, i.e. an antenna that
radiates equally in all directions.
(dB) = 20 log10 (d) + 20 log10 (f) + 32.44 -Gtx - Grx
Gtx is the gain of the transmitter antenna relative to an isotropic source (dBi)
Grx is the gain of the receiver antenna relative to an isotropic source (dBi)
Gtx is the gain of the transmitter antenna relative to an isotropic source (dBi)
Grx is the gain of the receiver antenna relative to an isotropic source (dBi)
The free space path loss equation or
formula given above, is an essential tool that is required when making
calculations for radio and wireless systems either manually or within
applications such as wireless survey tools, etc. By using the free space path
loss equation, it is possible to determine the signal strengths that may be
expected in many scenarios. While the free space path loss formula is not fully
applicable where there are other interactions, e.g. reflection, refraction, etc
as are present in most real life applications, the equation can nevertheless be
used to give an indication of what may be expected. It is obviously fully
applicable to satellite systems where the paths conform closely to the totally
free space scenarios. .......
Link Budget
This radio path loss and
link budget tutorial is split into several pages each of which address
different aspects of radio path loss and link budget:
[1] Understanding signal path loss
[2] Free space path loss
[3] Link budget
When designing a
complete, i.e. end to end radio communications system, it is necessary to
calculate what is termed the link budget. The link budget enables factors such
as the required antennas gain levels, radio transmitter power levels, and
receiver sensitivity figures to be determined. By assessing the link budget, it
is possible to design the system so that it meets its requirements and performs
correctly without being over designed at extra cost.
Link budgets are often
used for satellite systems. In these situations it is crucial that the required
signal levels are maintained to ensure that the received signal levels are
sufficiently high above the noise level to ensure that signal to noise levels
or bit error rates are within the required limits. However larger antennas,
high transmitter
power levels that
required add considerably to the cost, so it is necessary to balance these to
minimise the cost of the system while still maintaining performance.
In addition to
satellite systems, link budgets are also used in many other radio
communications systems. For example, link budget calculations are used for
calculating the power levels required for cellular communications systems, and
for investigating the base station coverage.
Link budget style
calculations are also used within wireless survey tools. These wireless survey
tools will not only look at the way radio signals propagate, but also the power
levels, antennas and receiver sensitivity levels required to provide the
required link quality.
What is link budget?
As the name implies, a
link budget is an accounting of all the gains and losses in a transmission
system. The link budget looks at the elements that will determine the signal
strength arriving at the receiver. The link budget may include the following
• Transmitter power.
• Antenna gains (receiver and
• Antenna feeder losses (receiver and
• Path losses.
• Receiver sensitivity (although this
is not part of the actual link budget, it is necessary to know this to enable
any pass fail criteria to be applied.
Where the losses may
vary with time, e.g. fading, and allowance must be made within the link budget
for this - often the worst case may be taken, or alternatively an acceptance of
periods of increased bit error rate (for digital signals) or degraded signal to
noise ratio for analogue systems.
In essence the link
budget will take the form of the equation below:
Received power
(dBm) = Transmitted power (dBm) +
gains (db) - losses (dB)
The basic calculation
to determine the link budget is quite straightforward. It is mainly a matter of
accounting for all the different losses and gains between the transmitter and
the receiver.
Link budget equation
In order to devise a
link budget equation, it is necessary to investigate all the areas where gains
and losses may occur between the transmitter and the receiver. Although
guidelines and suggestions can be made regarding the possible areas for losses
and gains, each link has to be analysed on its own merits..
A typical link budget
equation for a radio communications system may look like the following:
+ GTX +
- LFS -
= received power (dBm)
= transmitter output power (dBm)
= transmitter antenna gain (dBi)
= receiver antenna gain (dBi)
= transmit feeder and associated losses (feeder, connectors, etc.) (dB)
= free space loss or path loss (dB)
LP =
miscellaneous signal propagation losses (these include fading margin,
polarization mismatch, losses associated with medium through which signal is
travelling, other losses...) (dB)
= receiver feeder and associated losses (feeder, connectors, etc.) (d)B
NB for the sake of
showing losses in the link budget equation is "minus" actual loss
figures, e.g. LTX or LFS, etc should be taken as the modulus of the loss.
Antenna gain and link
The basic link budget
equation where no levels of antenna gain are included assumes that the power
spreads out equally in all directions from the source. In other words the
antenna is an isotropic source, radiating equally in all directions.
This assumption is good
for theoretical calculations, but in reality all antennas radiate more in some
directions than others. In addition to this it is often necessary to use
antennas with gain to enable interference from other directions to be reduced
at the receiver, and at the transmitter to focus the available transmitter
power in the required direction.
In view of this it is
necessary to accommodate these gains into the link budget equation as they have
been in the equation above because they will affect the signal levels -
increasing them by levels of the antenna gain, assuming the gain is in the
direction of the required link.When quoting gain levels for antennas it is
necessary to ensure they are gains when compared to an isotropic source, i.e.
the basic type of antenna assumed in the equation when no gain levels are
incorporated. The gain figures relative to an isotropic source are quoted as
dBi, i.e. dB relative to an isotropic source. Often gain levels given for an
antenna may be the gain relative to a dipole where the figures may be quoted as
dBd, i.e. dB relative to a dipole. However a dipole has gain relative to an
isotropic source, so the dipole gain of 2.1 dBi needs to be accommodated if
figures relative to a dipole are quoted for an antenna gain..
Effect of multipath
For true free space
propagation such as that encountered for satellites there will be no noticeable
reflections and there will only be one major path. However for terrestrial
systems, the signal may reach the receiver via a number of different paths as a
result of reflections, etc that will occur as a result of the objects around
the path. Buildings, trees, objects around the office and home can all cause
reflections that will result in the signal variations.
The multipath
propagation will cause variations of the signal strength when compared to that
calculated from the free space path loss. If the signals arrive in phase with
the direct signal, then the reflected signals will tend to reinforce the direct
signal. If they are out of phase, then they will tend to cancel the signal. If
either the transmitter or receiver moves, then the signal strength will be seen
to vary as the relative strengths and phases of the different signals change.
In order to allow for
this in a link budget, a link margin is added into the equation to allow for this.
Link budget
calculations are an essential step in the deign of a radio communications
system. The link budget calculation enables the losses and gains to be seen,
and devising a link budget enables the apportionment of losses, gains and power
levels to be made if changes need to be made to enable the radio communications
system to meet its operational requirements. Only by performing a link budget
analysis is this possible.
How can I combine and program or code path loss and packet drop out?